Somethin’ New

Okay… I know I’ve been missing a little bit… shits been crazy between work, trying to plan for this book and a new Little Miss! I haven’t been seeing her long but so far so good so I thought why not talk about her on here… right? Okay, so let me set the scene. I was dating here and there nothing serious… I randomly was considering exploring the idea of moving backwards and dating a past Little Miss (smh). Then enters this woman who attends my church. We always exchange pleasantries; you know the typical “good morning” and a “turn to your neighbor and say….”  She STAYS “church fresh” so I’d be lying if I were to say I didn’t take notice, however, I’ve never been one to go for a woman in tailored menswear. I’m not talking some ill-fitting Steve Harveyesque suit I’m talking about church appropriate menswear that fits her well and is fashion forward. She treats me like a queen and we have tons of fun. All resulting in her name. First date- opening night at Alvin Alley- first off the seats were great! She held my hand and was super sweet we enjoyed ourselves, we got something to eat, and she walked me to the door at the end of the night. Never did she seem bored by the ballet or throw in my face how nice of a first date it was. I’ve been in relationships with women for years and they’ve never taken me to see any shows so that was an outstanding first date Valentine’s Day- I got the most practical gifts from someone I just met ever. She knows I love to cook and was astonished that I didn’t have a waffle iron (she loves waffles) She got me not one, but TWO supper nice waffle irons (random but hella sweet) Circus week- this week we went to the UniverSOUL Circus and to Ringling Brothers Circus. I’d been to the Soul Circus before but had never gone to the other one; both were totally enjoyable for what they were. She’s somethin new cause she is nothing like anything I’ve ever had before. She has a healthy relationship with God and respects mine. Little Miss Somethin New Encourages prayer and hardly ever misses a Sunday at church (Mama is so regular with it she has a seat). I couldn’t continue my spiritual growth dating spiritual fetuses. We can goof off together cause she’s a big clown just like me. She is actually the first woman I’ve EVER dated with a healthy relationship with her Mother. I’ve found that women who don’t have a great bond with their mothers simply can’t understand why I talk to my mother more than once a day and why I involve her in my day to day. She is a breath of fresh air, she is spiritually sound, attractive, kind, everything I need.